That is the question. Or is it? It’s like saying you have to choose between being clever or kind. Or asking someone if they would prefer to be good or beautiful.
Come to think of it there’s always been a bit of a dispute between these two species and now it’s come to a head with the Chinese New Year. In the Bible I’m not … Continue reading the story "Are you a sheep or a goat?"
Post Archives from the ‘Skye’s thoughts’ Category
The other side of the fence
One of my new year’s resolutions is to climb over the fence and discover what life is like in the next field or even the next country. That’s how I stumbled upon the Schaapskooi (sheep pen) in Blaricum in North Holland where every Sunday afternoon they hold an open house from 2-4pm. This great place is home to a special race … Continue reading the story "The other side of the fence"
Discover what kind of sheep you are this Christmas …
What kind of sheep are you?
- Are you a sheep like Skye who doesn’t feel like a sheep?
- Or do you need to get away from the flock and discover new horizons, like Jacuzzi?
- Do you get taunted for being different and mixing with the wrong kind of creatures, like … Continue reading the story "Discover what kind of sheep you are this Christmas …"
Your clothes are not your own
Hello there – I’ve heard it’s awkward for you humans when you come into a room and find someone wearing exactly the same clothes as you. This is something that we sheep have no problem with. I heard two walkers discussing this the other day and one said she wouldn’t make a big deal of it and would probably go straight up to the other … Continue reading the story "Your clothes are not your own"
Johnnie the calf
I asked my friend, Johnnie the calf, if he'd ever been on Facebook.
He stared at me, puzzled. 'I don't think I've ever actually seen my face,' he said.
'Really?' I couldn't believe it. That beautiful soft, brown face with the velvet ears and the caramel eyes and the long, creamy eyelashes.
'Nope,' he … Continue reading the story "Johnnie the calf"
Poem of the One World
I know I’ve been a bit quiet recently. You see I was waiting until I had something to say. And if I didn’t then I was just going to say nothing and wait. Wait until something came to me. And it did. It came to me one morning when I was having a break from munching grass and happened to see a heron flying slowly … Continue reading the story "Poem of the One World"
Through the eyes of a lamb
Everyone loves a lamb. You just have to watch them frolicking together in a field on their tiny legs with their tails swinging, as if they hadn’t a care in the world. Only to turn a few months later into a serious sheep with a heavy baggage of wool, intent on consuming as much grass as possible in the least possible time. What has … Continue reading the story "Through the eyes of a lamb"
Book Crossing
Does anyone out there know what a book crossing is? Well, it goes like this. Someone leaves a book in a public place with a label inside it, explaining that it’s travelling round the world looking for new friends. Someone else picks it up and takes it home with them. They can contact to find out where this book has … Continue reading the story "Book Crossing"
Happy New Year
Hope it’s not too late to wish you all a happy and woolly New Year!
I guess like me you’ve already made and broken lots of new year resolutions but it’s never too late (or too early) to start again. As Buddha once said ‘Each day we are born again to start our life anew. What we do today is what matters most.’ Tomorrow I … Continue reading the story "Happy New Year"
In praise of plants
Lots of people like telling you what’s good for you but I think you’ve got to trust your own instincts. For example we sheep, when we get ill, we know which sort of plants to look for to help us get better.
Certain plants contain healing properties like tannins and saponins which kill internal parasites and protect us … Continue reading the story "In praise of plants"
Certain plants contain healing properties like tannins and saponins which kill internal parasites and protect us … Continue reading the story "In praise of plants"